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Privacy Policy

INOCO LAB JAPAN LTD.("INOCO LAB JAPAN”)recognizes that the protection of personal information is an important social responsibility and has established the following personal information protection guidelines for handling, controlling and maintaining personal information.

Personal Information Protection Guidelines
Establishment of a compliance program and implementation of continuous improvement

INOCO LAB JAPAN has built a compliance program for the protection of personal information, and while implementing and maintaining the program, we make regularly reviews of the program as part of our efforts for continuous improvement.

Collection use and provision of personal information

When collecting, using and providing personal information, INOCO LAB JAPAN recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and deal with all such information in an appropriate manner.

Implementation of safety measures

INOCO LAB JAPAN maintains an optimum system for stringently controlling personal information, and by building logical safety control measures, we have developed thorough preventative and corrective policies against the illegal access to personal information, as well as the loss, destruction, falsification and leakage of personal information.

Respect for the individual rights

When the person who can be identified by the personal information in our possession (hereinafter referred to as "the person concerned") requests that INOCO LAB JAPAN disclose, correct, amend and erase the personal information about him/her, we will confirm his/her identity and if the request is deemed valid, we will take necessary measures to the person concerned without delay unless otherwise provided by law.

Compliance with laws and regulations

When handling personal information, INOCO LAB JAPAN complies with Japanese laws and other regulations regarding the protection of personal information.

Latest Update:July 19th, 2024
Takashi Maruyama

Managing Director

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